Street Snippets

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2022 October
Easy to be a chef, by Brady

“It must be so easy to be a chef around here” I heard my partner say while walking past the blocks and blocks dedicated fully to nourishing the surrounding community. “Easy to get a job sure, but being a chef?… Continue Reading →

2022 October
Easy to be a chef, by Mason

“It must be so easy to be a chef around here.” That’s what the little child told me, as I brought him through my hut, filled with all the herbs and spices known to man. I chuckled, looking down at… Continue Reading →

2022 October
Easy to be a chef, by Anya

———-“It must be so easy to be a chef around here! There’s markets at every corner.” I rolled my eyes and scoffed; does this man really think his taxi driver wants to make conversation at 2 am? ———- The once… Continue Reading →

2022 October
Corporate Cold Blood, by Dakota C

You would think It must be easy to be a chef around here,But otherwise you may find my crimes bring a bloody tear,Discarded flesh is chopped aside when purpose has gone astray,My workers toil with every day discarded as I… Continue Reading →

2022 October
Take a look at yourself, by Dan

“It must be so easy to be a chef around here,” my reflection in the small mirror above the sink said, “there are no other restaurants in town.” I stared, eyebrows raised just a little. I wasn’t sure I’d seen… Continue Reading →

2022 October
The Feeding, by Alyssa

“It must be so easy to be a chef around here,” I commented to no one. At least 30 people were outside eating food I had never seen before from the downtown restaurants. The sun was bright, the wind rustled… Continue Reading →

2022 October
Easy to be a chef by Aidan

It must be so easy to be a chef around here,Because no one will run in fear! This market is a paradise with lots of meat! You can chop their butt,And slice their gut and none will bat an eye,… Continue Reading →

2022 October Snippet
Easy to be a chef

One of the hardest businesses to get started in New York City is the restaurant business. It’s UNBELIEVABLY hard! People will be in the middle of setting up a new cafe, and just give up, leaving it half finished, walking… Continue Reading →

2022 September
Kick you in the face spicy, Jacob

‘It’s not kick-you-in-the-face spicy, it’s just right’ read one of many flashing billboards as I walk these busy streets. I’ve been wandering aimlessly in this city for the past half hour, trying to find my way back to the hotel… Continue Reading →

2022 September
Kick you in the face spicy, by Shannon

“It’s not ‘kick you in the face’ spicy”, she says before turning towards me. “What does that even mean?” She adds. Still, I can’t take my eyes off of the dollar signs on that big red sign. It reads “$$Hot… Continue Reading →

2022 September
Kick you in the face spicy, by Keegan

“It’s not kick-you-in-the-face spicy, it’s: fire-breathing-dragon-guzzling-gasoline spicy.” Well that’s certainly an interesting subject line. I thought, immediately captivated by the colorful vocabulary. As a successful food critic, I naturally received hundreds of emails per day of restaurant owners requesting I… Continue Reading →

2022 September
Kick you in the face spicy, by Alyssa

October“It’s not, ‘kick you in the face’ spicy, it’s more of a rising tension then boom kind of spicy.” As I was discussing various details of the new romance novel I’m reading, there he was, the most beautiful person I… Continue Reading →

2022 September
Kick you in the face spicy, by Mason

It’s not kick you in the face spicy,It’s slap you upside the head feisty.The little round soldier first attacked the throat,Charging across a fiery moat,Bringing all the heat, any one could musterCausing the complexion surely to flusterThe tears begin to… Continue Reading →

2022 September
The Cave, by Aidan

“It’s not kick you in the face spicy,” my brother said in a joking tone when eating the meat my father always brought back from his hunts. I was having the same dream every night about my family and that… Continue Reading →

2022 September
Blazin’, by Dan

It’s not kick you in the face spicy,But it sure as hell ain’t mild.It’s up around the hellfire range,But not so raw defiled.It’ll punch you in the ****,And then laugh to see you cry.You’ll be sweating, you’ll be sickYou’ll be… Continue Reading →

2022 September
Kick you in the face spicy, by Dakota

It’s not kick you in the face spicy, but more a flaming crisp of fate. Not even the bitterness of reality can protect you from the flares of wrath. Revenge is a delicate thing, a prowess only to be overcome… Continue Reading →

2022 September
Kick you in the face spicy, by B. Smith

“It’s not kick you in the face spicy, but its a little hot” I said as I took another bite of my dinner in hopes of getting my friend to try it. It was wing night at our favorite restaurant… Continue Reading →

2022 September
Don’t Beat A Dead Horse, by Anya

“It’s not kick you in the face spicy,”it’s just not broke like the farmer stated those decades ago,its years of livestock labor,it’s not malicious anymore,its heels are cooled until the perfect moment,its moment is never wasted,its weight transfers side to… Continue Reading →

2022 September Snippet
Kick you in the face spicy

Welcome back to another year of Street Snippets. We’ve been at it since 2015, so that makes it our seventh year. Thanks for joining the community of authors contributing stories each month. As a reminder, when you submit a story… Continue Reading →

2022 April
”Gout and Dickens”, by Tyler

“Gout is something you get if you’re a character in a Dickens novel!” I said, looking down at my knees. “I thought I just had tendonitis!” But all these years, the pain was inconsistent. It came and went, it then… Continue Reading →

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