Street Snippets

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2023 April
Yo! You survived a plane crash?, by Alyssa

Panic “Yo! You survived a plane crash?” The overheard conversation becomes faded, my vision blurs and I’m gone. Time warps and crushes my soul, I’m twisted and folded into a knot, then everything snaps. A bright light shined into my… Continue Reading →

2023 April
Yo! You survived a plane crash?, by Anya

“Yo! You survived a plane crash?”“I did?”“Yeah man you’ve been out in some sort of a coma for 5 days.”“Is Cal ok?”“Yeah he made it. Lost a lotta blood though, and a few fingers.”“Can…I…uh talk to him.”“I don’t know if… Continue Reading →

2023 April
Yo! You survived a plane crash?, by Mason

“Yo! You survived a plane crash?” Oh Jesus, here we go again. “Yeah, it’s not a big deal, it wasn’t a bad crash.” “No way dude!! That’s insane! What happened?” “No clue, I wasn’t the one flying.” The random guy… Continue Reading →

2023 April
Yo! You survived a plane crash?, by Chiara

“You survived a plane crash?” she asked, looking at me from the doorway, with her arms folded. I saw her upside down, my leg was in a cast leaning against the backrest of the sofa and my head was almost… Continue Reading →

2023 April
Yo! You survived a plane crash?, by Otto

“Yo! You survived a plane crash?” Was the first thing I heard my friend ask me when I woke up from a nap on a plane. I looked out the shattered window and saw snapped trees and plastic debris everywhere…. Continue Reading →

2023 April
Yo! You survived a plane crash?, by Kyley

“Yo! You survived a plane crash?” the flashing lights prevented me from hearing the question. They repeated “Yo! You survived a plane crash?” I stated blandly, “Yes.” trying to avoid questions so I could get home. Home was the only… Continue Reading →

2023 April
Yo! You survived a plane crash?, by Gunner

“Yo! You survived a plane crash?” I sigh as I hear that behind me. “Yes, I did.” I say with no effort. “That’s so sick dude, do you have any stories?” The guy said. “No, not really.” I said. I… Continue Reading →

2023 April
You survived a plane crash?

This month’s snippet might be the weirdest one I’ve ever posted, it’s just so unbelievable. I was walking south on Hudson, crossing West 12th Street, and saw the postman talking on his phone while sorting the mail in front of… Continue Reading →

2023 March
Walk normally, by Charlotte

Walking on the empty streets of New York City at 3 am I suddenly see a black cat. It seems to be leading me somewhere, I am intrigued. It has bright red, glowing eyes that are staring deep into my… Continue Reading →

2023 March
Walk normally, Jacob

“Go ahead and walk normally. You can just walk like a normal person!” pleads Lilith, as she tries to get her redbone Coonhound to stand up on his hind legs. “I know you can do it, Midas… and one day… Continue Reading →

2023 March
Walk normally, by Kyle

You don’t have to hide in my room anymore. The government could only distinguish you from regular people because of your walk, but now you walk like us! Now we treat you like you are 16 we get you a… Continue Reading →

2023 March
Walk normally, by Otto

“Go ahead and walk normally. You can just walk like a normal person…” I told my bestfriend that after he had finally had knee surgery. His whole life he had been unable to walk due to a genetic knee issue… Continue Reading →

2023 March
Walk normally, by Antonia

“Go ahead and walk normally. You can just walk like a normal person…” spoke my captain, after I had told him I had forgotten how to walk with gravity. He seemed more familiar with all of this. This is his… Continue Reading →

2023 March
Walk normally, by Mikayla

“Go ahead and walk normally. You can just walk like a normal person…” until you realize it’s not so normal after all. There is no such thing as being normal or acting normal. Normalcy is a myth created by people… Continue Reading →

2023 March
Walk normally, by Alyssa

“Go ahead and walk normally. You can just walk like a normal person…”. A statement normally attributed to a young child playing around. One might even laugh at the child, finding them to be amusing. Anomaly 548, a widespread illness… Continue Reading →

2023 March
Walk normally, by Anya

“Go ahead and walk normally….” “You can just walk like a normal person…” “Stop dillydallying and hold my hand…” “Pick up your feet and stop dragging…” “For Christ’s sake love, your backpack is trailing on the ground.” “Here, Give me… Continue Reading →

2023 March
Walk normally, by Chiara

“Go ahead and walk normally. You can just walk like a normal person” he said in a low voice but the tone of these words sent a shiver down my spine. He was sitting in a white chair surrounded by… Continue Reading →

2023 March
Walk Normally, by Aidan

A Tea Party “Go ahead and walk normally.” “You can just walk like a normal person, I don’t feel like it.” “You’re so detestable sometimes you know that?” “I’m not the one that envies every person I meet.” “It’s my… Continue Reading →

2023 March
Walk Normally, by Mason

“Go ahead and walk normally. You can just walk like a normal person…”. “This skin feels too tight, it’s chafing in all the wrong places.” “I don’t care, suck it up and walk, you can take it off when we… Continue Reading →

2023 March
Walk Normally, by Shannon

“Go ahead and walk normally. You can just walk like a normal person. At this point it’s like you are trying to slow us down on purpose.” Her pace remains consistent and slow. “Look, it’s getting late and I’d prefer… Continue Reading →

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