Street Snippets

We provide the snippet. You provide the story.

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2023 September
“You’re going to need these.”
by Spring

“You’re going to need these. You know you will.” Ramona dangled the red vinyl boots in front of my face, bait hooked on the end of a line. Patiently, she waited for me to bite. “Fine,” I said at last,… Continue Reading →

2023 September
“You’re going to need these.”
by Ariana

“You’re going to need these. You know you will.” Coming from the end of the ad before my 5 Minute Crafts YouTube video, I questioned the significance of the words delivered to me. Out of the several ads I’ve come… Continue Reading →

2023 September
“You’re going to need these.”
by Lily L.

“You’re going to need these. You know you will.” You’re going to need these,You know you will.At churchAt schoolAt homeYou’re going to need these,You know you will.Like eating and like sleepingWhen going on a walk or a drive,Not just Sunday,… Continue Reading →

2023 September
“You’re going to need these.”
by Lily S.

“You’re going to need these. You know you will.” She hands me a set of newly polished, thin daggers and a new pair of boots, custom made for gripping onto the tiles of a roof or brick wall. I will… Continue Reading →

2023 September
“You’re going to need these.”
by Kyra

“You’re going to need these. You know you will,” the landlord said to me as he handed me the keys to my new house. “You didn’t tell me there was an electricity issue.” I said. “There isn’t.” He got into… Continue Reading →

2023 September
“You’re going to need these.”
by Lyddie

“You’re going to need these. You know you will.” A stranger mutters to me on the street, shoving a canvas bag into my arms before rushing off into the crowded sidewalk. My confusion overwhelms me as they get swallowed by… Continue Reading →

2023 September
“You’re going to need these.”
by Isaac

A Break of the Circle “You’re going to need these. You know you will.” Said the figure, who I’d have not given any second thought about the day before. His presence is so big and yet to others, trivial. Even… Continue Reading →

2023 September
“You’re going to need these.”
by Joshua

Never Back Down, Never Give Up “You’re going to need these. You know you will.”. Are words that have always struck my heart with a certain emotion that I couldn’t even ponder. Was it sadness? Was it anger? Was it… Continue Reading →

2023 September
“You’re going to need these.”
by Brynn

“You’re going to need these. You know you will.” a strange man hands a small, rust-infected hammer and nails to Jessie. Jessie glares at the man covered in dark clothing, who has just interrupted a blissful walk home after a… Continue Reading →

2023 September
“You’re going to need these.”
by Kylie

“You’re going to need these. You know you will!” hollered my best friend across the section of the store separating us. I came to a screeching halt and slowly began to turn around preparing for the absolute worst. Immediately I… Continue Reading →

2023 September
“You’re going to need these.”
by Luna

“You’re going to need these. You know you will.” Rose turned to see what Niki was talking about. “Need what?” “Just come here.” Rose walked closer to Niki in anticipation. “Now close your eyes.” Rose giggled, “What are you doing?”… Continue Reading →

2023 September
“You’re going to need these.”
by Julianna

“You’re going to need these. You know you will.” My cat, Smokey, urged me to take the box. It was big and plastic with a blue cover; One of those totes you can buy at Walmart. Within the box was… Continue Reading →

2023 September
“You’re going to need these.”
by Kelsey

“You’re going to need these. You know you will.” You’re going to need these, you know you will,you’re going to need to understand the truths that are universally known but never fronted,that everybody hides, lies, and covers uptheir unbearable humanity;their… Continue Reading →

2023 September
“You’re going to need these.”
by Alex

“You’re going to need these. You know you will.” He said while sliding a backpack across the table. I grabbed the bag and nodded my head in thanks. He has always had whatever I needed, I don’t need much but… Continue Reading →

2023 September
“You’re going to need these.”
by Vayda

“You’re going to need these. You know you will.”First you’ll need your head;This is crucial, it will guide you on the right path,leave it and you might perish.Second you’ll need to know where you were,where you are, and where you’re… Continue Reading →

2023 September
You’re going to need these.

I was walking up Hudson towards the 8th Avenue, 14th Street subway station. Leaning up against an empty storefront, right on the sidewalk, was a hard plastic vinyl work table folded in half and an industrial strength pair of bolt… Continue Reading →

2023 April
Yo! You survived a plane crash?, by Jacob

“You survived a plane crash?” “Oh, it was nothing! Not really worth a story. Just me and some buddies screwing around.” He pauses, and settles farther into his beige recliner. “Who told you ‘bout it, kid?” “Nick.” Gramp scoffs, “when… Continue Reading →

2013 April
Yo! You survived a plane crash?, by Keegan

“You survived a plane crash?” I heard the therapist say it, but it barely registered in the back of my mind. What was his name again? I couldn’t remember. His face was long, with big eyes. He reminded me of… Continue Reading →

2023 April
Yo! You survived a plane crash?, by Shannon

“Yo! You survived a plane crash?” As in THE plane crash?” I quickly realize that I cut off the reporter so I take a step back. The man pauses for a brief moment before proceeding to answer someone else’s question…. Continue Reading →

2023 April
Yo! You survived a plane crash!, by Aidan

“You survived a plane crash?” “Yeah back in 1997 I was in a pretty gnarly wreck.” “Wow, I’d definitely not be able to get back on a plane after that.” “Well I’ve got to keep moving, you know, I can’t… Continue Reading →

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