Street Snippets

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2023 October
“Your problem is not my problem” by Elyse

One-sided love Your problem is not my problemI’ve endured your anger long enoughA love that once was, now stained with fear Despite the storm inside your heartThere was a flicker of hope I saw insidewithin the shadow, a light began… Continue Reading →

2023 October
“Tu problema no es mi problema” by Isaac

“Tu problema no es mi problema,” dijo la persona que vive en México. Esta persona es mi amor y mi todo. Hay un problema con esto. Yo vivo en Perú. Por eso, no la puedo ver. Además, la condición en… Continue Reading →

2023 October
“Your problem is not my problem” by Kate

Your problem is not my problem,And your mistakes are not my mistakes.Your tantrums are not my tantrums,And your headaches are not my headaches. Yet your problem becomes my problem,And your mistakes become my mistakes.I’m the one that becomes forgotten,And you’re… Continue Reading →

2023 October
“Your problem is not my problem” by Vayda

“Your problem is not my problem.” I yell as my friend bangs on my door. “Come on man, let me in,” “NO! David you got yourself into this mess, now you get yourself out!” I’m so tired of doing this… Continue Reading →

2023 October
“Your problem is not my problem” by Milo

You think that your problem is not my problem,But you kill again. You ask not for permission,Nor for a reason why.You only ask for forgiveness. Why did it have to go this way?You didn’t think it would come to this.You… Continue Reading →

2023 October
“Your problem is not my problem” by Ian

“Your problem is not my problem.” He replies. I sit there perplexed at his response, and ask “Are you serious?” He answers with a simple “Womp Womp” It takes a couple of seconds to sink in but when it does… Continue Reading →

2023 October
“Your problem is not my problem” by Luna

Your problem is not my problem.Stop making it out to be.If you’re about to be run over?It has nothing to do with me.If you’re in an emergency.That doesn’t fall on me.You need some extra money?You’re not getting it from me.This… Continue Reading →

2023 October
“Your problem is not my problem” by Alex

“Your problem is not my problem,” Janeous whispered to his partner, Tim, as they crouched in the shadows outside the heavily fortified compound. They were on a mission to steal a package worth more than gold; A treasure more coveted… Continue Reading →

2023 October
“Your problem is not my problem” by Julianna

“Your problem is not my problem,” they replied.Once a phobia, now turned to a reality.Something that was seen down the road, has now arrived.Betrayal of the personal senses; trust wasted on the ungrateful and inadequate.Regret and Treachery open the eyes,Abrupt… Continue Reading →

2023 October
“Your problem is not my problem” by Joshua

“Your problem is not my problem,” words that have never sat right with me, words that have always felt like a needle piercing through my eyes over and over again, the amount of anguish those words have cost me is… Continue Reading →

2023 October
“Your problem is not my problem” by Spring

“Your problem is not my problem,” Martin said, dropping the butt of his cigarette into the trash. “You’re on that stage in fifteen minutes or you’re not on at all.” He slammed the door behind him, leaving a faint cloud… Continue Reading →

2023 October
“Your problem is not my problem” by Ingrid

“Your problem is not my problem” the old woman selling handcrafted jewelry says to me. I’m standing in the humid, busy metro station right under Grand Central Station. There is only two weeks until Christmas, and with my typical procrastinator… Continue Reading →

2023 October
“Your problem is not my problem” by Lyddie

“Your problem is not my problem,” Anna sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose.“It is now.” The ghost argued, crossing his arms. “You’re the one who chose to move into a haunted house.”“You’re dead!” She shouted back. “Why don’t you… Continue Reading →

2023 October
“Your problem is not my problem” by Kyra

Your problem is not my problem. I don’t understand why humans all have the need to push their worries onto me. I’m just a cat. I can’t even talk back. My owner comes bursting through the door of our apartment… Continue Reading →

2023 October
“Your problem is not my problem” by Kylie

“Your problem is not my problem. I really don’t know how to make it any clearer. I left that business.” I told him as I hung up the phone before he could ask me again or better yet attempt to… Continue Reading →

2023 October
“Your problem is not my problem” by Kobe

Your problem is not my problem.Your pain is not my pain.Still, your corruption only spreads sloppy lies,To keep the truth that you only seek to hide,By being unholy and raw. Oh to be like you, engulfed with sin;Eager to bloom.Prepared… Continue Reading →

2023 October
“Your problem is not my problem” by Jack

“Your problem is not my problem,” the snarky voice echoed through my ears, the next thing I heard was the tone of the phone hanging up. Thirty minutes, it takes thirty minutes to get from my apartment to the JFK… Continue Reading →

2023 October
“Your problem is not my problem” by Phoenix

Your problem is not my problem.The stones don’t pull me down;Deep water isn’t where I lay.Regrets don’t flood my headWhile the bathwater turns red.The rope doesn’t hang from my ceiling,A new necklace I do not possess My farewells are not… Continue Reading →

2023 October
“Your problem is not my problem” by Lily L

“Your problem is not my problem!” I slam the door behind me. I make a run for my car, get in, and don’t even wait for my Spotify to connect. I just drive. I have no real destination, just a… Continue Reading →

2023 October
“Your problem is not my problem” by Kelsey

“your problem is not my problem,we have a right to our own choices,We can carry our own weight,created in our tangled web of existence.But we are blessedwith the chance to create our own fate.Our lives may be different,fast-paced or quiet… Continue Reading →

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