“I was ghosting you last night because I was with someone else.” I said as I frowned, looking up at the hidden face hovering over me. I didn’t want to say it. I felt so bad, but Kayla knows I… Continue Reading →
“I was ghosting you last night because I was with someone else.” “ Sorry, I think you have the wrong number.” I say as I flag down a taxi and get into it. I know for sure that I wasn’t… Continue Reading →
“I was ghosting you last night because I was with someone else.” I turn away from my ex boyfriend of three weeks, and continue to bag the customer’s items. “We are broken up. As in not together. You know the… Continue Reading →
“I was ghosting you last night because I was with someone else.” That’s all it said. I had never gotten a text from this number and couldn’t imagine who it could be. I hadn’t been with anyone in that way… Continue Reading →
I was ghosting you last night because I was with someone else.Was the text Carrie woke up to in the early morning, filling her thoughts with rage. She couldn’t believe that that was all Emily was going to say after… Continue Reading →
I was ghosting you last night because I was with someone elseI was with the tree that sat in that gardenI used to climb itScrapes on my kneeI was with the green beans that grew up the fenceI used to… Continue Reading →
EXT. BLEACHERS, FOOTBALL STADIUM (HOMECOMING) – NIGHTLyndsee and Austin sit next to each other in the middle of the bleachers. LYNDSEEYou need to stop ignoring me whenI text you. It’s so annoying.AUSTINSorry. I was just kinda busy lastnight.LYNDSEEYeah? Drinking with… Continue Reading →
I was ghosting you last night because I was with someone else,I still don’t know why because,I only thought about you the whole time,But something about relationships that are real,Something about the way life likes to always steal,Things that actually… Continue Reading →
“I was ghosting you last night because I was with someone else.” “Wait…what?” “Mhm.” Nyx blushes nervously, “I’m sorry if I like, worried you.” “No no I’m just…surprised.” Abby admits. “You were…with someone?” “Mhm,” Nyx looks down at the floor,… Continue Reading →
“I was ghosting you last night because I was with someone else.” She laughs at me. “How else am I supposed to put it? ‘I’m sorry I stood you up, Boss. My sister brought over homemade tacos and I couldn’t… Continue Reading →
“I was ghosting you last night because I was with someone else.” “Oh really? You gonna elaborate on that?” Candice typed crying “I was with the EMT’s, I crashed my car” “But why would you be so dumb? Why put… Continue Reading →
“I was ghosting you last night because I was with someone else.”Just the usual Thursday for our generation,A new day, where people don’t have respect for others or themselves.In my grandparents’ day the “new norm” would be quite the sin,… Continue Reading →
I was ghosting you last night because I was with someone else,In the aftermath of our fight, a storm within my mind,The battle of emotions, where sanity and chaos are bound Echoes of our evening bounce in my head,A deafening… Continue Reading →
“I was ghosting you last night because I was with someone else.” For a second the possibility of this being true crossed my mind as I read the text. Just as the panic set in, my eyes flew open. “It… Continue Reading →
“I was ghosting you last night because I was with someone else,” I ashamedly mumble. “Perfect! That’s what I like to see Dan,” Chip exclaims through the small microphone embedded inside of the console. “Let’s keep that same mood going… Continue Reading →
“I was ghosting you last night because I was with someone else.” Her “I was ghosting you last night because I was with someone else”Or that’s at least what I said.Truth is… I wasn’t readyI knew you were getting closer… Continue Reading →
“I was ghosting you last night because I was with someone else.” Last night marked the first time in two years that I didn’t find myself stuck in the echoes of your absence. For once, your name wasn’t carved into… Continue Reading →
“I was ghosting you last night because I was with someone else.”Jared felt his heart sink into the concrete floor. “Who?”Julianne sighed, and her white hands wrapped around the cup of coffee in front of her. She sent her gaze… Continue Reading →
“I was ghosting you last night because I was with someone else.” Brad said to Cynthia while running a hand through his hair. No wonder this guy is on a reality show. “How can you watch this garbage? I mean… Continue Reading →
Walking north on Bleeker Street at Grove Street, I heard two young women behind me talking. “I was ghosting you last night because I was with someone else,” one of the women said to the other. I couldn’t tell if… Continue Reading →
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