There ain’t no sky today. That was the first thing I noticed when I woke up. My room was dim, but not like normal—not like an early morning before the sun rises. Not like a cloudy day when the light… Continue Reading →
“You’ve got a college degree? What are you doing here?” My coworker Mitch asked me. We had worked together from the beginning, as we started orientation on the same day, and often worked the same hours. He was a very… Continue Reading →
“People were trying to tell him he was a genius,” said Wendell, “Trey didn’t even do anything man, that was all your dad!” “I know, I know. I have to let him have something, though.” I said, letting out a… Continue Reading →
“I’m just trying to figure out how to function in this chaos.” I say, my face in my hands. Coach Perry had just called a timeout, the clock showing 38.6 seconds left in the game. We are losing 2-1 against… Continue Reading →
I thought I could make it. I really thought I could make it. I hunkered down in my desk, Unprepared for the test, With my teacher glaring at me… I had arrived late yet again; This time it was eight-o-three!… Continue Reading →
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