“There ain’t no sky today.” “No?” “No.” “What about tomorrow?” “Tomorrow? I’m not sure we’ll be that fortunate.” The air was thick with despair, the ground damp with the long since shed tears of the natural world. The sky, once… Continue Reading →
Overgrown “You’ve got a college degree? What are you doing here?” the driver asks as we watch another coffin get lowered into the dirt. I cannot find an answer that would make sense, so I settle with, “It pays the… Continue Reading →
Parasympathetic Parasite People were trying to tell him he was a genius. Perhaps, if he were as ignorant as they were, he would think he was. But he carries with him the burden of knowledge. He knows what it took… Continue Reading →
The Pictures of Chaos I’m just trying to figure out how to function in this chaos. This chaos which is forever doomed to recurse. Recursion that leaves me weaker than I started. Starting down a path which I struggle to… Continue Reading →
“I thought I could make it. I really thought I could make it.” With so many hours left in the day, you’d assume one could accomplish a few easy chores. This would be an incorrect assumption, as four out of… Continue Reading →
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