We provide the snippet. You provide the story.

Author Mark Miller

Mark Miller is an internationally recognized technology evangelist and storyteller. In recent years he has spun tales from the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa, to penguin colonies in Antarctica, to water vendors on the Great Wall of China. No place is too far or too difficult to reach when a good story is needed. When he is not traveling for storytelling, Mark lives in New York City with his wife and two children.

2022 January
You can’t mess around anymore

Even with all the lock down on activity in New York City, there’s still enough people on the street to be able to grab a street snippet here and there. I was walking west on 16th Street, headed away from… Continue Reading →

2021 November
Submit Your Story for November 2021

This snippet put a smile on my face. I was walking west on 14th Street between 8th and 8th Avenues when I heard her say, “So cute… but don’t come home with another dog!” I don’t know who she was… Continue Reading →

2021 October
Submit Your Story for October 2021

Perry Street in the West Village is one of my favorite streets in the city. I’ve lived in the Village for over 20 years and I still love seeing the houses and stores on that street. I was walking by… Continue Reading →

2021 September
Submit your story for September 2021

Welcome to the start of a new year of Street Snippets. If you haven’t participated before, read “For Students” to understand how it works. This month’s snippet was heard while walking on W. 11th Street in the West Village. “You… Continue Reading →

2021 April
Street Snippet

The final Street Snippet for the 2020-2021 school year was heard by Aurora as she walked around Lincoln Center on 66th Street and Broadway. This is the cultural center of New York City, with Lincoln Center, Juilliard, LaGuardia High School… Continue Reading →

2021 March
Street Snippet

When you hear a comment on the streets of New York City, sometimes you want to turn around and follow whoever said it just to see if you can figure out more of the story. This month, “You did that… Continue Reading →

2021 February
Street Snippet

It’s was the day before a big snow day in New York City. As I was crossing the street, Greenwich at Warren in Tribeca, I heard it and I knew immediately it would be this month’s Street Snippet. “My dad… Continue Reading →

2021 January
The Storytelling Tree

One of my favorite books is the Illustrated Man. I have spent hours with that book through multiple readings, each time, discovering something new in the stories. It’s funny how years can change your perspective. I was on a hike… Continue Reading →

2020 November
Street Snippet

Aurora and I are supporting our local restaurants by eating outdoors, or ordering in. As we were out last night, down on Carmine Street, we heard this snippet, “Do what you have to do.“ That sounded like a good story… Continue Reading →

2020 October
Street Snippet

The October Street Snippet was heard by Aurora while walking towards the subway, 8th Avenue at 14th Street. “I can’t believe she told me that!” There it is, the beginning of your story. Is it a mystery? Is it an… Continue Reading →

2020 September
Outstanding Contributions

Congratulations to Emma Malia, Grace and Sam for their contributions to 2020 September Street Snippets. (Click their name to read their story.) They will receive a Certificate of Achievement for the contributions. In addition, Nicolas, Liam, Lillian and Maizy will… Continue Reading →

2020 September
Street Snippet

Let’s get started with this year’s first Street Snippet. Here’s something Aurora and I heard while walking down the street this week: “At one time, there was a defiant little girl, standing in front of the bull, like this…” Fill… Continue Reading →

March 2016
This Month’s Snippet

2016 March Street Snippet: “Come on… we’re doing the ‘jay’.“ The 2016 March storytelling is underway. (If you don’t know what we’re talking about, check this out.) We look forward to reading your stories this month. The first place winner will receive… Continue Reading →

February 2016
This Month’s Street Snippet

2016 February Street Snippet: “Right through the red light. Good job.“ Skip two Reading Responses in March! Two reading response passes? That’s worth a good story, isn’t it? That’s the grand prize for this month’s winning contribution. (Thanks, Mrs. Sutton!) The… Continue Reading →

January 2016
Street Snippets Winners

We had 20 stories submitted for January 2016 Street Snippets. It took a full week for the reviewers to make their final choices, and here they are. Grand Prize: Aoefe (Story #15) A sister succumbs to the beast of her mental… Continue Reading →

January 2016
This Month’s Street Snippet

Let’s begin 2016 by creating a story from one of the oddest Street Snippets I heard last month: I don’t think the beast has gone down to Florida yet. There’s a lot of room for storytelling in that one. Leave your story contribution… Continue Reading →

December 2015 – Story #04
by Orion

Old people do that, old people I get that a lot I don’t like it But it still happens I feed birds at a park You guys see people like me all the time I’m not a hobo I just… Continue Reading →

December 2015 – Story #03
by Casandra

Old people do that. Old people. Only old people would do that. Only old people would care. Only old people would give the time of day. Only old people… I guess I should start at the beginning, I never did… Continue Reading →

December 2015
Your First Street Snippet

Somehow, you’ve found your way here*. I’m not sure how, but that doesn’t really matter.  Check the “For Students” page if you’re not sure what’s going on. For those of you who don’t need any help, here’s the practice Street Snippet… Continue Reading →

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