Here’s something a little lighter for this month. It’s one of those snippets that when I heard it, I just chuckled and kept walking. I was headed up 8th Avenue at 21st street when I heard two young women walking… Continue Reading →
It’s that time of year when there’s no blue in the sky, no clouds. Just a solid sheet of unbroken gray. Walking up H Street, head down against the wind I hear a deep throaty growl, “There ain’t no sky… Continue Reading →
I’m in Washington DC, on and off, working on a project. I was getting off the Metro around 2nd Street and Florida when I heard, “You’ve got a college degree? What are you doing here?”. Interesting thought. What are the… Continue Reading →
I was standing at 12th Street and University, on the way to the Union Square Farmer’s Market, when I heard the comment, “People were trying to tell him he was a genius.” It wasn’t an idle conversation because the intensity… Continue Reading →
“I’m just trying to figure out how to function in this chaos.” 8th Avenue in the West Village is a highly trafficked area, especially near 14th Street. Even the streets are weird, where West 4th Street cuts diagonally across 10th,… Continue Reading →
Welcome to the first Street Snippet for 2024-2025. Here’s the real-world story on where the opening line, “I thought I could make it. I really thought I could make it,” was heard. I was walking up 8th Avenue at about… Continue Reading →
“There are no written ways to arrive at this.” It was said out loud to no one as I was passing the Strand Bookstore, 12th Street at Broadway. Was it synchronicity that it was in front of a bookstore? There… Continue Reading →
I’ve been all over the world, but life on the street in New York City is “different” from any place I’ve been. Case in point: I was walking west on 14th Street as I passed the subway entrance at 6th… Continue Reading →
Walking north on Bleeker Street at Grove Street, I heard two young women behind me talking. “I was ghosting you last night because I was with someone else,” one of the women said to the other. I couldn’t tell if… Continue Reading →
There is a lot going on in the streets of the Financial District of New York City. You hear people shouting into their phones, you get the tour guides with hordes of tourists blocking the streets around the New York… Continue Reading →
I was walking up Hudson towards the 8th Avenue, 14th Street subway station. Leaning up against an empty storefront, right on the sidewalk, was a hard plastic vinyl work table folded in half and an industrial strength pair of bolt… Continue Reading →
This month’s snippet might be the weirdest one I’ve ever posted, it’s just so unbelievable. I was walking south on Hudson, crossing West 12th Street, and saw the postman talking on his phone while sorting the mail in front of… Continue Reading →
When was the last time you laughed out loud in public… spontaneous laughter from something you overheard. That’s what happened to me when I heard this, “Go ahead and walk normally. You can just walk like a normal person…”. That’s… Continue Reading →
In New York City along the West Side from Chambers up to 59th Street, a lot of the old piers have been turned into really nice parks. I was on the Christopher Street Pier when I heard, “I can’t take… Continue Reading →
I literally laughed out loud while standing outside Julliard after a Saturday night concert. A group was walking by, evidently discussion their friend’s new boyfriend. “He’s a Wild, Wild West kind of guy and she’s like a Material Girl.” There’s… Continue Reading →
As you can imagine, there’s a lot of LOUD people lumbering down the streets of New York City. Case in point, I was walking through the Union Square Farmer’s Market this Saturday and a 35 year old guy started screaming,… Continue Reading →
One of the hardest businesses to get started in New York City is the restaurant business. It’s UNBELIEVABLY hard! People will be in the middle of setting up a new cafe, and just give up, leaving it half finished, walking… Continue Reading →
Welcome back to another year of Street Snippets. We’ve been at it since 2015, so that makes it our seventh year. Thanks for joining the community of authors contributing stories each month. As a reminder, when you submit a story… Continue Reading →
I was walking east on West 11th Street. As I turned the corner to head south on Hudson, I almost spit out my hot tea when I heard it… “Gout is something you get if you’re a character in a… Continue Reading →
It was a cold day in New York City, the day after a snowfall that was now mush and mud pushed up next to the street curbs. Hard to walk on slippery black ice, bundled up against the chill, I… Continue Reading →
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