There ain’t no sky today. He thought to himself. Even though I may never see the sky again. These thoughts circled through his mind day after day as he started to feel like he was going crazy. He was all… Continue Reading →
You’ve got a college degree? What are you doing here? The question echoed in his head for months at a time. He hadn’t answered the foreman when he asked, he just nodded and went back to adjusting the conveyor belt…. Continue Reading →
People were trying to tell him he was a genius. He always shook his head at the word “genius”. He’d jot down notes on crumpled up napkins or anything that he could write on. He’d spend nights, staying up for… Continue Reading →
I meandered into the frigid outdoors from my warm cottage to get the morning mail. I looked around into the heavy fog to see what the damage was. Tree limbs everywhere, entire trees toppled over, cars moved down their driveways,… Continue Reading →
I thought I could make it. I really thought I could make it. That was my last thought before everything went black. I opened my eyes to see everything was white. I could slightly move my head to look around,… Continue Reading →
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