There’s no sky today. So look for the stars beyond. Behold their beauty.
Move You’ve got a college degree, what are you doing here? That question dances in your head, holding your mind in chains. Your body doesn’t move; it won’t move. You remain rooted in place, Unable to leave, unable to feel,… Continue Reading →
Genius People were trying to tell him he was a genius, but he just wanted to be normal. He felt normal. No matter how many great things he accomplished, or how many people he helped, he just wanted to be… Continue Reading →
Kaleidoscope I’m just trying to figure out how to function in this chaos, but everything is out of order. My brain has been scattered like light through a kaleidoscope, Too many shapes and too many colors. I can’t keep up… Continue Reading →
Art is a Game called “Try Again” I thought I could make it, but I was tricked. I really thought I could make it, but I failed. My passion was too weak, and so I slipped, My art was too… Continue Reading →
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