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Author Jack Guiness

John Bapst High School
Bangor, Maine
Teacher: Jennifer Babcock

2024 March
It will be easy money!, by Jack

“It will be easy money!” Nathaniel screamed into the microphone. Rap music intertwines with Nathan’s determined shouts as they reverberate throughout the gym bathroom. It’s Friday afternoon, and a group of high schoolers huddle around the basketball court, anticipating an… Continue Reading →

2023 October
“Your problem is not my problem” by Jack

“Your problem is not my problem,” the snarky voice echoed through my ears, the next thing I heard was the tone of the phone hanging up. Thirty minutes, it takes thirty minutes to get from my apartment to the JFK… Continue Reading →

2023 September
“You’re going to need these.”
by Jack

“You’re going to need these. You know you will,” my father said as he threw a bunch of diving equipment down on the boat’s deck. The day was humid, and the heat was almost unbearable—a perfect day for me to… Continue Reading →

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