I meandered into the frigid outdoors from my warm cottage to get the morning mail. I looked around into the heavy fog to see what the damage was. Tree limbs everywhere, entire trees toppled over, cars moved down their driveways, porch furniture in lawns. I finally made it down the driveway, after having to move around giant tree limbs, I slowly opened the creaking door to the mailbox and out came a tsunami of mail from the days the earth was stuck inside. I accumulated all the fallen mail and turned around to see that a giant tree had landed on my 1960 Chevy Chevelle SS. I was stunned to see what had happened to the car. Butterflies started to flutter in my stomach as I started to feel sick and enraged. Just if I had a garage in this old house, this would’ve never happened.

I slowly walked back into my house, still astonished, I will never be able to afford another one just like it, or even the repairs on it.

I fumbled through the mountain of mail, flipping through bills that are overdue and a bunch of advertisements about supplies to have during hurricane season. I sat down at the kitchen table, just to find myself staring into atoms between atoms, which was just the empty wall across the room, thinking about my car. I finally snapped back to reality, only to look down at the next piece of mail, reading the date, my name and a small paragraph. I worked at a little corner shop along the main road. It had a massive oak tree land right through the front door and the owners did not have nearly enough money to fix the shop so that I was relieved of my work duties. Now I had no place to work and no mode of transportation.

After continuing thinking about what to do with myself, by staring into oblivion again. I decided to waste time by watching tv. I scrolled through the endless channels to finally come across a movie to watch, when I heard an explosion right out front of my house, while the house went black. I felt my way through my house to the front door. Only to see that the transformer on the power line blew up and took out the whole street’s power.

I’m just trying to figure out how to function in this chaos.